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Revista De Gestao E Secretariado-Gesec ; 14(1):625-644, 2023.
Article in English | Web of Science | ID: covidwho-2307463


The entrepreneur's trust is a reference point for the success of an organization because it provides security for both the company and for people to take risks. Therefore, the entrepreneur must be prepared to reinvent himself when the need arises. Since it started, the Covid-19 pandemic has required the adoption of drastic measures for companies to survive the economic crisis. To help with solutions in atypical and radical scenarios like this one, the organizational life cycle can be related to business trust. Thus, the objective of this research is to analyze the confidence index of micro and small entrepreneurs in relation to the phases of the life cycle in which companies are found and analyze how this index can affect the local market. Therefore, a survey was carried out with the companies, the research is quantitative in terms of approach and descriptive in terms of objectives. Data were treated using descriptive statistics, ANOVA and ANACOR tests. As a result of the data collected, the economic information of the analyzed companies pointed to the beginning of a crisis, in view of the variable that points to confidence in the future, which averaged 32.54%.

Hematology, Transfusion and Cell Therapy ; 44(Supplement 2):S339-S340, 2022.
Article in English | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-2179138


Introducao: A Sindrome de Evans (SE) e definida pela presenca de Anemia Hemolitica Autoimune (AHAI) de anticorpos quentes associada a purpura trombocitopenica imune (PTI). O curso da doenca geralmente e de momentos de remissao e exacerbacao. Sua fisiopatologia tem origem desconhecida, porem, sabe-se que ocorre apos uma desordem profunda do sistema imunologico. Objetivo: Apresentar um caso de SE em paciente com anemia falciforme. Metodologia: Trata-se de um relato de caso com revisao de prontuario, levantamento de dados clinicos, laboratoriais, exames complementares e revisao de literatura. Resultados: Paciente GMSF, seis anos, em acompanhamento no hemocentro da cidade do Rio de Janeiro desde o nascimento por anemia falciforme grave com crises algicas frequentes e quadros respiratorio. Uso de hidroxiureia e foi esplenectomizada previamente, por sequestros de repeticao. Em junho de 2021 foi internada com quadro de pneumonia e trombocitopenia. Recebeu pulsoterapia com metilprednisolona, sem reposta, passando a receber imunoglobulina com normalizacao da contagem de plaquetas. Em janeiro de 2022 nova internacao com crise algica e COVID-19, com boa evolucao clinica. Em abril de 2022 a paciente mais uma vez foi internada, por quadro de pneumonia, broncoespasmo e crise algica. Prescrito antibiotico e analgesia. No sexto dia de internacao apresentou angioedema em face e queda da saturacao. Hemograma com trombocitopenia importante de 23.000 mm3. Realizado aspirado de medula ossea onde se pode observar medula com celularidade aumentada, hiperplasia eritroide e hiperplasia de megacariocitos, sugestivo de PTI. Apresentou queda de hemoglobina, interpretada como hemolise associada a doenca falciforme, porem teve baixo aproveitamento de concentrado de hemacias, sendo solicitado estudo imunohematologico que mostrou coombs direto, PAI e Anti-Cw sugerindo SE. Iniciado imunoglobulina por dois dias, sem resposta, sendo iniciado pulsoterapia com metilprednisolona, tambem sem reposta. Apresentou estrabismo convergente do olho E, sendo submetida a tomografia computadorizada de cranio e orbita mostrou sinais compativeis com hematoma recente. Novo hemograma com contagem de plaquetas de 6.000 mm3. Decidido por suspender pulsoterapia e iniciar Rituximabe. Apos inicio da droga houve melhora significativa no numero de plaquetas. Recebeu um total de tres doses, com intervalo de 15 dias e no ultimo exame realizado a quantidade de plaquetas era de 417.000 mm3. Discussao: Na literatura o tratamento da SE se baseia no uso de corticoides como primeira linha e em pacientes com citopenia persistente e necessidade de uso prolongado ou altas doses de esteroides a imunoglobulina venosa pode ser benefica. A trombocitopenia e mais responsiva a essa terapia que a hemolise. Conclusao: O Rituximabe tem sido usado em caso de refratariedade ao tratamento e apesar da relativa falta de experiencia com a droga, principalmente em criancas, os estudos tem mostrado resultados promissores e seu uso seria mais seguro que esplenectomia, especialmente, nos menores de dois anos. E no caso apresentado a paciente ja era esplenectomizada por sequestros esplenicos de repeticao. Copyright © 2022

Cuadernos de Psicologia del Deporte ; 22(3):238-251, 2022.
Article in English | Scopus | ID: covidwho-2025267


This study aimed to verify the relationship between physical activity (PA) with health-related quality (HQOL) of life domains in children and adolescents during COVID-19 social distancing. A Cross-sectional and analytical study with a quantitative approach in a sample of 119 girls and 121 boys. Questionnaires and statistical methods were applied. The correlation between PA and HQOL was stronger in boys (46.9%) than girls (14.5%), which may be explained because there is a considerable and stronger relationship between age, and the school grade with HQOL in girls. In conclusion, physical activity was associated with the quality of life of children and adolescents during social distance due to the COVID-19. These findings show the importance of this population to remain physically active so that health parameters are not affected during this period © Copyright 2018: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Murcia

Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering ; 16(2):163-174, 2022.
Article in English | Web of Science | ID: covidwho-1755799


This research aims to explore key themes concerning partnerships between Business Actors (BAs) and Not-for-Profit Actors (NFPAs) along a Sustainable Value Chain (SVC). Forty interviews, as well as observations and documents representing (5) BA-NFPA collaborations, were done using a multiple-case approach. This research has identified two types of the key partnership-influencing themes: internally-focused and externally-focused partnership drivers and how they leverage the implementation of theSVC, including SVC approaches and governance forms. The innovative partnership approach is a novel contribution to the area of SVC research and helps the industry with decision making for creating successful SVCs amid the Covid-19 pandemic. Explicitly, findings regarding implementation and evaluation contribute to the theoretical and practical knowledge of value chains in the agricultural sector within emerging economies. (C) 2022 Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. All rights reserved

Non-conventional in English | WHO COVID | ID: covidwho-1327997
Non-conventional | WHO COVID | ID: covidwho-1511867